ComponentMoveData Error information
Error Number:-115
朋友指出安裝高版本的net framework 3.5 或4.0
Error message occurs when you install Microsoft FRx: "Error Number (-115) ComponentMoveData Error"
Microsoft Business Solutions-Axapta 3.0 is now part of Microsoft Dynamics AX 3.0. All references to Microsoft Business Solutions-Axapta and Microsoft Axapta pertain to Microsoft Dynamics AX.
When you install Microsoft FRx, you may receive the following error message: Error Number (-115) ComponentMoveData Error
Resolution - This message will generally occur if users are logged into Microsoft FRx while installing or upgrading. To resolve this error message, instruct all users to exit Microsoft FRx and remain out until the Installation, Upgrade, or Update is finished.
This article was TechKnowledge Document ID: 130922
Article ID: 868250 - Last Review: July 21, 2011 - Revision: 2.0
Microsoft Business Solutions for Analytics–FRx 6.7 Desktop
Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0
Microsoft Business Solutions–Great Plains 8.0
Microsoft Business Solutions–Great Plains 7.5
Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5
Microsoft Business Solutions–Solomon 6.0
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
Microsoft Dynamics AX 3.0
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0
Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision 3.70
Microsoft Small Business Financials 9.0
Microsoft Business Solutions Small Business Financials North America Edition 8.0
Microsoft Business Solutions Small Business Manager 7.5, when used with:
Microsoft Business Solutions for Analytics–FRx 6.7 Desktop
FRx Financial Reporter 6.5
FRx Financial Reporter 6.5
Keywords: kbnavisionfrx kbsolomonfrx kbsmallbusinessfinancialsfrx kbgreatplainsfrx kberrmsg kbaxaptafrx kbmbsinstallation kbmbsmigrate KB868250