(Always read before starting use)
hen using Mitsubishi equipment, thoroughly read this manual and the
ssociated manuals introduced in the manual. Also pay careful attention to
afety and handle the module properly.
hese precautions apply only to the installation of Mitsubishi equipment and the
ring with the external device. Refer to the user’s manual of the CPU module
be used for a description of the PLC system safety precautions.
hese SAFETY PRECAUTIONS classify the safety precautions into two
ategories: "DANGER" and "CAUTION".
Procedures which may lead to a dangerous condition and
cause death or serious injury if not carried out properly.
Procedures which may lead to a dangerous condition and
cause superficial to medium injury, or physical damage
only, if not carried out properly.
epending on circumstances, procedures indicated by CAUTION may also
e linked to serious results.
any case, it is important to follow the directions for usage.
ore this manual in a safe place so that you can take it out and read it
henever necessary. Always forward it to the end user.
輸入輸出模塊 A1SH42P
DC 輸入/晶體管輸出模塊 AJ65SBTB32-8DT2
速計數模塊 A1SD62D
伺服馬達 HA-LFS45K1M4
DC 輸入/晶體管輸出模塊 AJ65VBTCE32-16DT
計算機通信模塊 A1SJ71UC24-R2
光纖中繼模塊 AJ65SBT-RPS
溫度控制模塊 A1S64TCRT-S1
遠程輸入I/O通信模塊 AJ55TB3-16D
輸入模塊 AJ65SBTB2N-16A
附件 GT15-60ATT-77
輸入模塊 A1SX10
Melsecnet模塊 A0J2P25
DC 輸入/晶體管輸出模塊 AJ65SBTB1-32DT3
晶體管輸出模塊 AJ65SBTB1-8T
直流源型輸入模塊 A1SX80-S1
端子排適配器 A1STA32
輸入輸出模塊 AX10Y22C
輸出模塊 AY50
模擬量溫度輸入模塊 AJ65SBT2B-64TD
定位模塊 A62LS-S5
GT16觸摸屏 GT1685M-STBA
繼電器輸出模塊 A1SY14EU
控制器放大器總線電纜 MR-J2HBUS1M-A
伺服馬達 HA-LFS15K1M
上位控制器連接模塊 AJ71C22S1
電磁制動器用電纜 MR-BKS2CBL03M-A2-L