z Use the PLC in the environment given in the general specifications section
of the user's manual to be used. Using the PLC outside the range of the
general specifications may result in electric shock, fire, or erroneous
operation or may damage or degrade the product.
z Insert the fixing latch on the bottom of the module into the fixing hole in the
base unit and install the module using the hole point as a fulcrum. (The
Q2AS series module shall be fastened by screws in the base unit at the
specified torque.)
Not installing the module correctly could result in erroneous operation,
damage, or pieces of the product falling.
z Tighten the screw within the range of specified torque.
If the screws are loose, it may result in fallout, short circuits or malfunction.
Tightening the screws to far may cause damage to the screw and/or the
module, resulting in fallout, short circuits or malfunction.
z Shut off all phases of the external power supply in the system before
mounting or dismounting the module.
If you do not switch off the external power supply, it will cause electric
shock or damage to the product.
z Do not touch the electronic parts or the module conducting area directly.
It may cause erroneous operation or failure.
電壓輸入模擬量模塊 Q68ADV
差動輸出定位模塊(升級版) QD75D1N
Q系列PLC編程電纜 QC30R2
接口板 Q80BD-J61BT11N
帶以太網類型的Q系列CPU Q13UDEHCPU
差動輸出定位模塊 QD75D4
擴展電纜 QC06B
速計數模塊 QD64D2
SI/QSI光纜型模塊 QJ71LP21-25
電源冗余系統擴展基板 Q68RB
擴展基板 Q63B
Profibus模塊 QJ71PB92D,QJ71PB93D
網絡模塊 AJ71QLR21
電壓/電流輸出模擬量模塊 Q62DA-FG
ID接口模塊 QD35ID1
網絡模塊 A1SJ71QLR21
QCPU(Q模式)用總線連接電纜 GT15-QC30B
繼電器輸出模塊 QY10
老款小A系列擴展基板 QA1S51B
老款小A系列主基板 QA1S33B
對應SSCNET定位模塊 QD75M1
閃存卡 QD81MEM-512MBC
擴展基板 Q612B
更換用大容量電池模塊 Q8BAT
定位模塊(升級版) QD75P4N
熱電偶型溫度輸入模塊 Q68TD-G-H01
電壓/電流輸出模擬量模塊 Q66DA-G
晶體管輸出模塊(彈簧夾接線端子) QY40P-TS