For wiring and connection, properly crimp or solder the connector with the tools specified by the
manufactures and attach the connector to the module securely.
Be careful to prevent foreign matter such as dust or wire chips from entering the module.
Failure to do may cause a fire, failure or malfunction.
A protective film is attached to the module top to prevent foreign matter such as wire chips from
entering the module during wiring.
Do not remove the film during wiring.
Be sure to remove it for heat dissipation before system operation.
Be sure to place the cables connected to the module in a duct or clamp them.
If not, dangling cables may swing or inadvertently be pulled, resulting in damage to the module and/
or cables, or malfunctions due to poor cable connection.
When disconnecting the cable, do not pull it by holding the cable part.
Disconnect the cable with connector with holding the connector plugged into the module.
Pulling the cable part with the cable still connected to the module may cause a malfunction or
damage to the module and/or cable.
伺服電機 HC-SFS121B
薄型主基板 Q32SB
伺服電機 HC-RFS203
串行通信模塊 A1SJ71QC24N
伺服馬達 HA-LFS11K1M4
輸入模塊 A70PL-S3
輸入模塊 AJ65SBTB1-32D
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-55KA4
輸入輸出模塊 A1SH42P-S1
模擬量輸入輸出模塊 A1S63ADA
運動CPU單元 A73CPUP21-S1
編碼器接頭 MR-J3ENSCBL30M-L
擴展電源單元 FX3U-1PSU-5V
保護膜 GT15-70PSCB
保護膜 GT11-50PSCW
伺服電機 HC-KFS053BD
底板 A1S38HBEU
模塊 A1SD35ID1
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-45KA4
伺服電機 HC-SFS7024
模塊 A1SJ71ME81
輸入輸出模塊 A1SJ-56DR
背光燈 GT16-60SLTT
運動CPU單元 A73CPUR21-S1
伺服馬達 HA-LFS45K1M4
伺服控制器 MR-J2S-15KA