(Note 1) Inch/metric conversion is performed in either of 2 ways: conversion from the parameter
screen ("#1041 I_inch: valid only when the power is switched on) and conversion using
the G command (G20 or G21).
However, when a G command is used for the conversion, the conversion applies only to
the input command units and not to the input setting units.
Consequently, the tool offset amounts and other compensation amounts as well as the
variable data should be preset to correspond to inches or millimeters.
(Note 2) The millimeter and inch systems cannot be used together.
(Note 3) During circular interpolation on an axis where the input command units are different, the
center command (I, J, K) and the radius command (R) can be designated by the input
setting units. (Use a decimal point to avoid confusion.)
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-15KB4
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-55KA4
伺服放大器 MR-J2S-11KA4
伺服放大器 MR-J2S-200B4
伺服控制器 MR-J2S-700B
伺服放大器 MR-J2S-350B4
伺服放大器 MR-J2S-700A4
交流電抗器 FR-HAL-H37K
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-60A
伺服放大器 MR-J2S-100B4
伺服電機 HC-MFS053D
伺服放大器 MR-J2S-200B
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-37KA4
伺服控制器 MR-J2S-30KA4
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-60B
伺服電機 HC-MFS23K
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-200A4
伺服控制器 MR-J2S-350B
伺服電機 HC-KFS23BK
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-45KA4
伺服放大器 MR-J2S-70A
伺服電機 HC-KFS053BD
伺服電機 HC-KFS23K
直流電抗器 FR-HEL-H37K
伺服控制器 MR-J2S-22KA4
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-22KB4
伺服電機 HC-MFS053BD
伺服控制器 MR-J2S-700B4
伺服放大器 MR-J2S-500A4
伺服電機 HC-KFS73BK