n to be used by trained and competent personnel. The definition of such a person or per-sons is as follows;
a ) Any engineer who is responsible for the planning, design and construction of automatic
equipment using the product associated with this manual should be of a competent
nature, trained and qualified to the local and national standards required to fulfill that
role. These engineers should be fully aware of all aspects of safety with regards to auto-mated equipment.
b ) Any commissioning or service engineer must be of a competent nature, trained and
qualified to the local and national standards required to fulfill that job. These engineers
should also be trained in the use and maintenance of the completed product. This
includes being completely familiar with all associated documentation for the said prod-uct. All maintenance should be carried out in accordance with established safety prac-tices.
c ) All operators of the completed equipment should be trained to use that product in a safe
and co-ordinated manner in compliance to established safety practices. The operators
should also be familiar with documentation which is connected with the actual operation
of the completed equipment.
Note : the term ‘completed equipment’ refers to a third party constructed device which con-tains or uses the product associated with this manual.
Notes on the symbols used in this manual
At various times through out this manual certain symbols will be use
終端模塊 FX-16EYT-TB
終端模塊 FX-16EX-A1-TB
輸入輸出電纜 FX-A32E-500CAB
存儲卡 FX-EEPROM-16
輸入輸出電纜 FX-A32E-300CAB
存儲卡 FX-EPROM-8
通用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-500CAB-S
終端模塊 FX-16EYS-TB
終端模塊 FX-32E-TB
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-300CAB-R
RS-422電纜 FX-422CAB0
連接電纜 FX-232CAB-2
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-300CAB
RS-232C/RS-422轉換器 FX-232AWC-H
存儲卡 FX-RAM-8
終端模塊 FX-16EYR-TB
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-500CAB
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-150CAB-R
連接電纜 FX-232CAB-1
輸入輸出電纜 FX-A32E-150CAB
終端模塊 FX-16E-TB
終端模塊 FX-16EYT-H-TB
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-150CAB
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-500CAB-R