[Design Instructions]
• For data change, program change, and status control made to the PLC which is running from a
Personal computer, configure the interlock circui t externally so that the system safety is
ensured. The action to be taken for the system at the occurrence of communication errors
caused by such as loose cable connection must be determined for online operation of PLC from
Personal computers.
• Before performing online operations (progr am change during PLC CPU RUN, forced I/O
operation, RUN-STOP or sim ilar operating condition change, remote operation) with the
personal computer connected to the running PLC CPU, read the manual carefully and ensure
safety fully.
Note that program change during PLC CPU RUN (online change) may cause such problems as
program corruption depending on the operation condition. Use the equipment after fully
understanding the precautions given in the GX Developer Operating Manual.
保護膜 GT10-40PSGW
外部輸入/輸出單元 GT15-DIO
外部連接電纜 GT16H-C60-42P
耐油蓋 GT10-20PCO
保護膜 GT15-50PSCB
GT16觸摸屏 GT1685M-STBA
總線連接單元 GT15-75QBUSL
RS-422電纜 GT10-C300R4-8PC
背光燈 GT16-90XLTT
總線連接單元 GT15-QBUS
RS-485端子臺轉換電纜 FA-LTBGTR4CBL10
FA設備連接繼電器電纜 GT11H-C15R4-25P
GT15人機界面 GT1562-VNBD
GT10內存加載器 GT10-LDR
通道間隔離脈沖輸入 QD60P8-G
大型CPU擴展電纜 GT15-A370C25B
保護膜 GT16-70PSGW
保護膜 GT15-90PSGB
GT10觸摸屏 GT1040-QBBD
保護膜 GT16-70PSCW
總線連接單元 GT15-75QBUS2L
可選功能板 GT15-MESB48M
網絡模塊 AJ71QLP21G
手持式觸摸屏 GT1150HS-QLBD
QCPU(Q模式)用總線連接電纜 GT15-QC06B
外部連接電纜 GT16H-C30-42P
耐油蓋 GT05-80PCO
緩沖電路電纜 GT15-EXCNB
RS-422電纜 GT10-C100R4-8P