Mitsubishi will not be held liable for damage caused by factors found not to be the cause of Mitsubishi;
machine damage or lost profits caused by faults in the Mitsubishi products; damage, secondary damage,
accident compensation caused by special factors unpredictable by Mitsubishi; damages to products other
than Mitsubishi products; and to other duties.
For safe use
z This product has been manufactured as a general-purpose part for general industries, and has not been
designed or manufactured to be incorporated in a device or system used in purposes related to human life.
z Before using the product for special purposes such as nuclear power, electric power, aerospace, medicine
or passenger movement vehicles, consult with Mitsubishi.
z This product has been manufactured under strict quality control. However, when installing the product
where major accidents or losses could occur if the product fails, install appropriate backup or failsafe
functions in the system.
U.S.A Mitsubishi Electric Automation Inc.
500 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon
Hills, IL 60061, U.S.A.
Tel : +1-847-478-2100
Brazil MELCO-TEC Rep. Com.e Assessoria
Tecnica Ltda.
Rua Correia Dias, 184,
Edificio Paraiso Trade Center-8 andar
Paraiso, Sao Paulo, SP Brazil
Tel : +55-11-5908-8331
Germany Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. German
Gothaer Strasse 8 D-40880 Ratingen,
Tel : +49-2102-486-0
U.K Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. UK
Travellers Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire.,
AL10 8XB, U.K.
Tel : +44-1707-276100
Italy Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Italian
Centro Dir. Colleoni, Pal. Perseo-Ingr.2
Via Paracelso 12, I-20041 Agrate Brianza.,
Milano, Italy
Tel : +39-039-60531
Spain Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Spanish
Carretera de Rubi 76-80,
E-08190 Sant Cugat del Valles,
Barcelona, Spain
Tel : +34-93-565-3131
France Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. French
25, Boulevard des Bouvets, F-92741
Nanterre Cedex, France
TEL: +33-1-5568-5568
South Africa Circuit Breaker Industries Ltd.
Private Bag 2016, ZA-1600 Isando,
South Africa
Tel : +27-11-928-2000
Hong Kong Mitsubishi Electric Automation
(Hong Kong) Ltd.
10th Floor, Manulife Tower, 169 Electric
Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel : +852-2887-8870
China Mitsubishi Electric Automation
(Shanghai) Ltd.
4/F Zhi Fu Plazz, No.80 Xin Chang Road,
Shanghai 200003, China
Tel : +86-21-6120-0808
Taiwan Setsuyo Enterprise Co., Ltd.
6F No.105 Wu-Kung 3rd.Rd, Wu-Ku
Hsiang, Taipei Hsine, Taiwan
Tel : +886-2-2299-2499
Korea Mitsubishi Electric Automation Korea
Co., Ltd.
1480-6, Gayang-dong, Gangseo-ku
Seoul 157-200, Korea
Tel : +82-2-3660-9552
Singapore Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte, Ltd.
307 Alexandra Road #05-01/02,
Mitsubishi Electric Building,
Singapore 159943
Tel : +65-6470-2460
Thailand Mitsubishi Electric Automation (Thailand)
Co., Ltd.
Bang-Chan Industrial Estate No.111
Moo 4, Serithai Rd, T.Kannayao,
A.Kannayao, Bangkok 10230 Thailand
Tel : +66-2-517-1326
Indonesia P.T. Autoteknindo Sumber Makmur
Muara Karang Selatan, Block A/Utara
No.1 Kav. No.11 Kawasan Industri
Pergudangan Jakarta - Utara 14440,
P.O.Box 5045 Jakarta, 11050 Indonesia
Tel : +62-21-6630833
India Messung Systems Pvt, Ltd.
Electronic Sadan NO:III Unit No15,
M.I.D.C Bhosari, Pune-411026, India
Tel : +91-20-2712-3130
Australia Mitsubishi Electric Australia Pty. Ltd.
348 Vic
冗余電源模塊 Q64RP
熱電偶型溫度調節模塊(升級版) Q64TCTTBWN
端子臺配器 Q6TA32
熱電偶型溫度調節模塊 Q64TCTT
電源模塊 Q62P
熱電偶型溫度輸入模塊 Q64TDV-GH
熱電偶型溫度輸入模塊 Q64TD
鉑電阻型溫度輸入模塊 Q64RD
彈簧夾端子臺 Q6TE-18S
電源模塊 Q63P
端子臺配器 Q6TA32-TOL
電壓/電流輸出模擬量模塊 Q62DA-FG
適配器 Q6DIN2
電源冗余系統擴展基板 Q68RB
薄型電源模塊 Q61SP
電壓輸出模擬量模塊 Q68DAVN
大型擴展基板 Q68BL
電壓/電流輸出模擬量模塊 Q62DAN
電源模塊 Q64P
電壓/電流輸入模擬量模塊 Q64AD
電源冗余系統用電源模塊 Q64RP
熱電偶型溫度調節模塊 Q64TCTTBW
溫度調節模塊 Q64TCRT,Q64TCTT
電源模塊 Q61P-A1
電流輸入模擬量模塊 Q66AD-DG
速型電壓/電流輸入模擬量模塊 Q64ADH
鉑電阻型溫度調節模塊 Q64TCRTBW
熱電偶型溫度調節模塊(升級版) Q64TCTTN
電壓/電流輸入模擬量模塊 Q64AD-GH