Design the circuit in such a way that the external power supply is turned on after the IBM PC/AT
compatible PC is powered on. Turning on the external power supply first may cause accidents
due to an erroneous output or a malfunction.
When a communication error occurs in the data link, the operation status of the communication
aulty station will change according to the type of the data link used. Configure an interlocking
circuit in a user program using the communication status information so that the safety of the
overall system is always maintained.
Erroneous outputs and malfunctions may lead to accidents.
1) The data link retains the data before the communication error.
2) All outputs are turned off at the MELSECNET (II, /B, /10) remote I/O stations.
3) Either the output is retained or all outputs are turned off at the MELSECNET/MINI-S3
remote I/O stations, depending on the E.C. mode setting.
For more information about how to check for communication errors and the operation status at
he time of a communication error, see the manual for the corresponding data link system.
When configuring a system, do not leave any slots vacant in the extension base unit. Should
here be any vacant slots, always use a blank cover (A1SG60) or a dummy module (A1SG62).
f any of the vacant slots are not covered, the module's internal parts may blast when a short
circuit test is performed, or overcurrent or overvoltage is accidentally applied to the external I/O
DC 輸入/晶體管輸出模塊 AJ65SBTB32-8DT2
PLC FX1S-10MT-001
RS-422電纜 GT09-C100R4-6C
QCPU(Q模式)用總線連接電纜 GT15-QC100B
RS-422電纜 GT10-C30R4-8P
MES接口模塊附件 GT05-MEM-128MC
視頻輸入單元 GT15V-75V4
附件 GT15-50ATT-85
端子排轉換模塊 A6TBY54-E
保護膜 GT15-60PSGW
遠程輸入I/O通信模塊 AJ55TB32-8DT
外部連接電纜 GT16H-C80-32P
外部輸入/輸出單元 GT15-DIO
DC 輸入模塊 AJ65BTB2-16D
GT16觸摸屏 GT1672-VNBD
晶體管輸出模塊 AJ65SBTB2-16T1
以太網模塊 AJ71QE71N-B5T
GT16觸摸屏 GT1665M-VTBA
連接器轉換適配器 GT10-9PT5S
連接器/端子臺轉換模塊電纜 AC50TB
FA設備連接繼電器電纜 GT11H-C30-32P
DC 輸入模塊 AJ35PTF-32D
附件 GT15-60ATT-96
CC-Link模塊 A1SJ61QBT11
GT11觸摸屏 GT1155-QSBDA
RS-422電纜 GT10-C30R4-8PC